
What is swerve?

Serve drive is a fun one to explain, because it takes a long time to fully understand it, but once you do, you cannot go back.

Swerve From a Hardware Perspective

Swerve is basically a shopping cart or dolly with spinning wheels. It’s similar to one of those rotating chairs you sit on.

The wheels have two parts: the part that orients or aligns the wheel, and the part that makes it spin or go.

A good example is the front wheel of a car, there is a “motor” that turns the wheel (not really, but using it as an example) to face any heading The other part of the wheel is the drive. The drive is the engine that actually propels the wheel.

(Yes I know the car geeks will only say that works for 4 wheel drive and that the heading can only go a few degreees, but it’s hard to make a better example)

Swerve Drive

Swerve Drive is the implementation of these wheels to power/push your robot so it can drive fast, accurately, and forcefully.